Past events
Prof Nir Gov -- Modelling the migration of branched cells on networks [IN PERSON]
Join us for this seminar by Prof Nir Gov (Weizmann Institute, Israel) as part of the North West Semi...
Dynamical Systems and Analysis Seminar - Lasse Rempe
Speaker: Lasse Rempe (University of Manchester) Title: A glimpse of transcendental dynamics Abstra...
Logic seminar: Andrew Harrison-Migochi
Title: Effective Lattice Point Counting Abstract: Joint with Raymond McCulloch. We use recent devel...
Algebra seminar - Mark Wildon
Title: An introduction to plethysm Abstract: The plethysm product on symmetric functions correspond...
Dynamical Systems and Analysis Seminar - Donald Robertson
Speaker: Donald Robertson (University of Manchester) Title: A mild mixing rank one system with non-...
AI-Fun with ELLIS Seminar | Masha Vladimirova: Fairness in online systems
The Manchester Centre for AI Fundamentals and Manchester's ELLIS Unit are co-hosting a series of sem...
Statistics Seminar - Statistical Disclosure Control and Differential Privacy
Prof. Natalie Shlomo University of Manchester Abstract For decades, statistical agencies have been...
Logic seminar: Franziska Jahnke
Algebra seminar - Ilaria Colazzo
Title: Combinatorial Solutions to the Pentagon Equation and Matched Pairs of Groups Abstract: In th...
Manchester Number Theory Seminar - Katerina Santicola
Speaker: Katerina Santicola (Warwick) Title: Størmer's conjecture on arctan identities A Machin-l...