Past events
Team Research Microcatalyst Funding Launch
Register Now! Team Research Community Event: Micro-catalyst Call Launch 2024/5 Date: 15th October...
Algebra seminar - Aluna Rizzoli
Title: Generic stabilizers and how to find them} Abstract: Given the action of an algebraic group G...
Manchester Number Theory Seminar - Jack Sempliner
Speaker: Jack Sempliner (Imperial College London) Title: On relations between the cohomology of som...
Training Course on In situ experiments and Digital Volume Correlation
Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) is a powerful experimental technique that computes 3D full-field di...
Fiona Whelan -- Gene-gene associations in microbes from human-associated microbial communities [IN PERSON]
Join us for this seminar by Fiona Whelan (Manchester) as part of the North West Seminar Series in Ma...
Dynamical Systems and Analysis Seminar - Steven Robertson
Speaker: Steven Robertson (University of Manchester) Title: Low Discrepancy Digital Hybrid Sequence...
Elin Falla -- A mathematical model centred on aphid vector feeding behaviour has implications for plant host manipulation by plant viruses [ONLINE]
Join us for this seminar by Elin Falla (Cambridge) as part of the North West Seminar Series in Mathe...
Logic seminar: Marco Abbadini
Algebra seminar - TBD
Title: TBD Abstract: TBD
Manchester Number Theory Seminar - Victor Shirandami
Speaker: Victor Shirandami (University of Manchester) Title: Distribution of Algebraic projective p...