Past events
AI-Fun with ELLIS Seminar | Siu Lun Chau: Credal Two-sample Tests: How to Test Hypothesis under Dataset Uncertainty
March’s AI-Fun with ELLIS Seminar is with Siu Lun (Alan) Chau from CISPA Helmholtz Center for Info...
Logic seminar: Alex Kavvos
Title: Two-dimensional Kripke Semantics Abstract: The study of modal logic has witnessed tremendous...
Algebra seminar - Patricia Medina-Capilla
Title: The second maximal subgroups of the almost simple groups Abstract: In 2018, Lucchini, Marion...
Number Theory Seminar - Alexandros Konstantinou
Speaker: Alexandros Konstantinou Title: The order of the Tate--Shafarevich group modulo squares Ab...
Dynamical Systems and Analysis Seminar - Andrew Mitchell
Speaker: Andrew Mitchell (The Open University) Title: Classifying intrinsic ergodicity for random s...
Manchester Geometry Seminar - Alexander Veselov
Speaker: Dr Alexander Veselov (Loughborough) Title: Differential algebra of polytopes and inversion...
Statistics Seminar - Bayesian Functional Regression for Extremes
Dr. Nicolas Hernandez (QMUL) Title: "Bayesian Functional Regression for Extremes". Abstract: Rece...
Logic seminar: Cas Burton
Title: A Basis Theorem for Rings with Commuting Generalised Hasse-Schmidt Operators. Abstract: In 1...
SQUIDS Seminar - Nested expectations with kernel quadrature
This paper considers the challenging computational task of estimating nested expectations. Existing...
Algebra seminar - Justin Lynd
Title: Partial groups and higher Segal conditions Abstract: A partial group is a set together with...