The Mathsbombe Competition

2024 edition. From the people behind the Alan Turing Cryptography Competition.
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Problem 1

A technologically advanced colony of army ants sets out to infiltrate colonies of the rival leaf cutter ants using ant-droids. They already manufactured 250000 ant-droids, each identified by their unique production number between 1 and 250000. However, upon switching them on, the army ants realized that due to an unfortunate programming error, any ant-droid attacked the ant-droids whose identifiers were multiples of their own identifier. The queen ordered the ant-droid army to be divided into smaller units in which no ant-droid wants to attack an other. At least how many units need to be created?

To deter guessing without thinking, we ask that you also solve the following simple arithmetic problem before checking your answer:

What is seven plus six, subtract seven?  

This problem was first solved on Wed 24th January at 4:05:42pm
Mathsbombe Competition 2024 is organised by the The Department of Mathematics at The University of Manchester.
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