Past events
AI-Fun Seminar | Robert Loftin: Learning, Negotiation and Cooperation in Differentiable Games
The Manchester Centre for AI Fundamentals is hosting a series of seminars featuring expert researche...
ELLIS Manchester | Wenlong Chen and Yingzhen Li: Calibrating transformers via sparse Gaussian processes
The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) recently added The University o...
Logic seminar: Lorna Gregory (University of East Anglia)
Title: Pseudofinite-dimensional Modules over Finite-dimensional Algebras Abstract: The representat...
Algebra seminar - Bethany Marsh
Title: An introduction to tau-exceptional sequences. Abstract: Exceptional sequences in module cate...
Dynamical Systems and Analysis Seminar - Thomas Jordan
Speaker: Thomas Jordan (University of Bristol) Title: Multifractal analysis for self-affine measure...
Manchester Geometry Seminar - James Montaldi
Speaker: Dr James Montaldi (Manchester) Title: Bifurcations of equilibria in contact dynamics Abst...
Algebra seminar - Alison Parker
Title: Some representation theory of Kadar-Martin-Yu algebras Abstract: Kadar-Martin-Yu introduced...
Manchester Number Theory Seminar - Robin Visser
Speaker: Robin Visser (University of Warwick) Title: The Effective Shafarevich Conjecture Abstrac...
Alexandru Hening -- Modern Coexistence Theory and beyond [IN PERSON]
Join us for this seminar by Alexandru Hening (Texas, US) as part of the North West Seminar Series in...
Dynamical Systems and Analysis Seminar - Dan Rust
Speaker: Dan Rust (The Open University) Title: Random Pisot substitutions and their Rauzy fractals...