Past events
Statistics Seminar - Statistical inference for emerging diseases inspired by Covid-19
Abstract (joint work with Prof Frank Ball) The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed the landscape in t...
Statistics Seminar - Periodogram regression, a two stage mixed effects approach for modelling multiple integer-valued time series of tropical cyclone frequency
Abstract Tropical cyclones (TC) are significant indicators of evolving climate dynamics. Two primary...
Logic seminar: Raffael Stenzel
Algebra seminar - Peio Ardaiz
Title: McCullough-Miller space for RAAGs Abstract: The McCullough-Miller space is a contractible sim...
Manchester Number Theory Seminar - Sacha Mangerel
Speaker: Sacha Mangerel (Durham University) Title: TBA Abstract: TBA Room: Frank Adams 1
Dynamical Systems and Analysis Seminar - Benjamin Bedert
Speaker: Benjamin Bedert (University of Oxford) Title: Zeros of polynomials with restricted coeffic...
Samir Ghadiali -- Translational Applications of Mathematical and Computational Modeling in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine [IN PERSON]
Join us for this seminar by Samir Ghadiali (Ohio) as part of the North West Seminar Series in Mathem...
Statistics Seminar - Compositional quasi-likelihood and logit models
Abstract: A composition vector describes the relative sizes of parts of a thing. Some important mo...
Logic seminar: Michael Benedikt
Title: Finite Structures Embedded in Infinite Ones, Then and Now This talk is about a hybrid of fin...
Manchester Number Theory Seminar - Andrei Yafaev
Speaker: Andrei Yafaev (UCL) Title: Bi-\Qbar structures and relations between CM periods Abstract:...