Events in the Department of Mathematics
Find out more about events, seminars and public lectures in the Department of Mathematics.
Algebra seminar - Patricia Medina-Capilla
Title: The second maximal subgroups of the almost simple groups Abstract: In 2018, Lucchini, Marion, and Tracey showed that every maximal subgroup of an almost simple group is 5-generated, lowering the previously known bound of 6. Naturally, one can ask the same about second maximal subgroups of almost simple groups. Burness, Liebeck and Shalev...
Number Theory Seminar - Alexandros Konstantinou
Speaker: Alexandros Konstantinou Title: The order of the Tate--Shafarevich group modulo squares Abstract: We present a method for decomposing abelian varieties up to isogeny using group actions. As an application, we show that given a square-free natural number n, there exists an abelian variety with finite Tate--Shafarevich group of order n...
AI-Fun with ELLIS Seminar | Siu Lun Chau: Credal Two-sample Tests: How to Test Hypothesis under Dataset Uncertainty
March’s AI-Fun with ELLIS Seminar is with Siu Lun (Alan) Chau from CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security. In-person attendance is recommended but for anyone who cannot be physically present, there is a zoom link included below. Title: Credal Two-sample Tests: How to Test Hypothesis under Dataset Uncertainty Abstract: Dataset-level...
Logic seminar: Alex Kavvos
Title: Two-dimensional Kripke Semantics Abstract: The study of modal logic has witnessed tremendous development following the introduction of Kripke semantics. However, recent developments in type theory have led to a second way of studying modalities, namely through their categorical semantics. We explore how the two correspond.
Charlotte Taylor Barca and Muhammad Ahtazaz Ahsan -- Maths in the Life Sciences Seminar [IN PERSON]
Join us for this special seminar to showcase PhD student research at the interface of maths and biology as part of the North West Seminar Series in Mathematical Biology and Data Sciences. Our speakers are Charlotte Taylor Barca and Muhammad Ahtazaz Ahsan (PhD candidates in Department of Mathematics and Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences...
Dynamical Systems and Analysis Seminar - Xiong Jin
Speaker: Xiong Jin (University of Manchester) Title: On the size of slices of planar self-similar sets with dense rotations Abstract: In this talk I will talk about the dimension of slices of planar self-similar sets whose rotation components contain irrational rotations. I will give a review of the existing results, and I will present some new...
Algebra seminar - Tuan Pham
Title: TBC Abstract: TBC
Number Theory Seminar - Christopher Keyes
Speaker: Christopher Keyes (KCL) Title: Towards Artin's conjecture on p-adic quintic forms Abstract: Let K be a p-adic field whose residue field has q elements and suppose f is a homogeneous polynomial of degree d in n+1 variables over K. A conjecture, originally due to Artin, states that when d is prime and n is at least d^2, f=0 has a nontrivial...
Logic seminar: Neer Bhardwaj
Statistics Seminar - Prof. Victor Elvira (Univ. of Edinburgh)
Abstract TBA