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Department of Mathematics

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Events in the Department of Mathematics

Find out more about events, seminars and public lectures in the Department of Mathematics.

Training Course on Visualisation & quantification of tomographic datasets

16 - 17 September 2024

A 2 day training course covering theory and computer-based practical works using the Thermo Scientific™ Amira-Avizo Software. Lab/synchrotron X-ray tomography has emerged as one of the most important techniques for research in a wide range of applications including healthcare, energy, food and geology. Advances in the quality of X-ray beams,...

AI-Fun with ELLIS Seminar | José Miguel Hernández-Lobato

11:00 - 12:00 02 October 2024

The Manchester Centre for AI Fundamentals and Manchester's ELLIS Unit are co-hosting a series of seminars featuring expert researchers working in the fundamentals of AI. José Miguel Hernández-Lobato short bio: Since Sep 2016, I am a University Lecturer (equivalent to US Assistant Professor) in Machine Learning at the Department of Engineering...

Lane Lecture 2024: Delivering Occupational Health Research in Government: an important front line service?

12:00 - 02 October 2024

HSE has a proud history of undertaking occupational health research, either by funding others or using its in house capability. In this lecture Professor Andrew Curran CBE will review over 100 years of occupational health research by Government and consider if this capability should be considered as an important front-line service. In person...

Training Course on In situ experiments and Digital Volume Correlation

14 - 15 October 2024

Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) is a powerful experimental technique that computes 3D full-field displacement and strain maps from volumes images acquired during a deformation process of a material. DVC is the 3D extension of Digital Image Correlation (DIC) which was first described four decades ago. The emergence of DVC started early 2000s with...

Team Research Microcatalyst Funding Launch

10:00 - 13:15 15 October 2024

Register Now! Team Research Community Event: Micro-catalyst Call Launch 2024/5 Date: 15th October Time: 10.00 – 13.15 Location: Jocelyn Bell Burnell Lecture Theatre, Schuster Building Who should attend; Anyone and everyone working in research across the university of Manchester! Join us for a jam-packed few hours – with the exciting...

AI-Fun with ELLIS Seminar | Tolga Birdal

11:00 - 12:00 16 October 2024

The Manchester Centre for AI Fundamentals and Manchester's ELLIS Unit are co-hosting a series of seminars featuring expert researchers working in the fundamentals of AI. Tolga Birdal is an assistant professor (Lecturer) in the Department of Computing of Imperial College London. Previously, he was a senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Stanford...

AI-Fun with ELLIS Seminar | Luca Magri

11:00 - 12:00 23 October 2024

The Manchester Centre for AI Fundamentals and Manchester's ELLIS Unit are co-hosting a series of seminars featuring expert researchers working in the fundamentals of AI. Luca is a Professor in Scientific Machine Learning at Imperial College London. Luca is a Fellow and group leader under the Data-Centric Engineering Programme of The Alan Turing...

AI-Fun with ELLIS Seminar | Chrysoula Zerva

11:00 - 12:00 30 October 2024

The Manchester Centre for AI Fundamentals and Manchester's ELLIS Unit are co-hosting a series of seminars featuring expert researchers working in the fundamentals of AI. Chrysoula (Chryssa) Zerva is a post-doc researcher in the SARDINE group at the Instituto de Telecomunicações, and an Invited Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical...

AI-Fun with ELLIS Seminar | Jack Liell-Cock

11:00 - 12:00 13 November 2024

The Manchester Centre for AI Fundamentals and Manchester's ELLIS Unit are co-hosting a series of seminars featuring expert researchers working in the fundamentals of AI. Jack Liell-Cock is a PhD student at Keble College, Oxford, under the supervision of Jeremy Gibbons and Sam Staton. Title and location TBC

Training Course on Advanced Scripting and Batching of Tomographic Datasets

13 - 14 November 2024

Although X-ray tomography is an attractive characterisation technique in materials science, it generates a huge amount of data at a fast rate and it can be extremely time consuming to process the data manually. A great benefit to creating scripts and plugins in Avizo is the ability to reuse a workflow on more than one image or to develop a bespoke...

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